Yoga Nidra with Sound Healing - London

By Declog Body Mind (other events)

Saturday, November 4 2017 1:45 PM 4:15 PM BST

What is Yoga Nidra? Its the deepest form of relaxation known to man and women kind. In this event you will experience dropping into your theta rhythm with awareness.

How will this be do?
What is Yoga Nidra & Sound Healing?

Yoga Nidra, requires no streching, strengthening or movement and yet your’ll feel your muscles hang off their bones, the stillness of your mind dwelling at your heart and your breathe crease, with no effort from your side!

As one journeys in and out of whats known as ‘Yogic Sleep’. Between the boundaries of the waking world and that of dreams. By lying down in shivasana/ corpse pose, and allowing my words to become your and the healing vibrations of the sound to wash over you, you will experience a profound shift, deep relaxation & wise insight.

This Event -

Lucid Dream will be an experience in this month's Yoga Nidra event ; titled death/ loss and grievances as we celebrate the theme of the season on Guy Fork, Halloween, and Remembrance Sunday and the season in which we are in.

The second nidra is one of a series I call 'Nidra Asana'.  This Nidra has been very effective as a 'hip opener' exercise and as an emotional release for birth and sensuality.


Medicinal warning - If you suffer from a mental illnesses that effects you, by way of disassociation from your body please reframe from attending.


What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

It is off the main road   And so parking is available, although its in the very centre of London, so Public transport is best, as late entry will not be permitted, sorry.

What can I bring into the event?

A blanket is always useful in Yoga Nidra.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Please message me through facebook or twitter.

What's the refund policy?

Yes it's acceptable, but so is transferring your ticket to a friend.

Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?

Ticket fee, for the booking will not be refunded.